Support NWTRCC outreach at SOAW

School of the Americas Watch (SOAW) is doing something a little different for their annual convergence this year, and NWTRCC will be there. Attendees will meet at the border in Nogales, Arizona, US and Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. The convergence will include education, community-building, nonviolent protest, and nonviolent direct action, tying border militarization and immigrant rights to the displacement and violence caused by US interventionism in all its forms.

NWTRCC has usually had a presence at SOAW. It is a valuable place to reach people who already know the value of direct action against militarism. However, the costs of getting three of our activists to the border convergence are higher than past SOAW actions in Georgia, so we're seeking some extra help this year. 

Raising $612 would cover NWTRCC's costs, including:

  • $437 travel reimbursement for three WTRs traveling from Seattle, San Diego and North Carolina; 
  • $75 for a workshop slot; 
  • and $100 for the tabling fee.

With at least three war tax resistance activists there, we'll be able to do lots more on site and learn more from the others in attendance. Plus, we'll spread WTR literature along the way from North Carolina to Nogales and San Diego to Nogales.

Attendees at the May NWTRCC gathering were enthusiastic about helping a few of our activists get to the border mobilization, and the NWTRCC network always gladly endorses the call from SOAW to close the School of the Americas. Your help with the costs will be much appreciated!

To learn more about the border action see


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